Wednesday 15 April 2015

The Hero Twins Revenge - Jasmine

Dragon Poems

Persuasive Writing - Sophie Lorimer

Monday, 5th March

Can I write an argument?

According to the government children should have homework after school. I am arguing that children should have homework after school.

It teaches children to work independently and work together. If a child does not work it is their own fault for example if all the children do their work they will get good grades and if they get good grades they will get good jobs but if children don’t work they won’t get good grades or good jobs.

Everyone knows that homework improves children’s thinking ability and yes they should have a break but they could do their homework a little bit everyday so that they do get a break and do their homework.

Homework makes children look after things and care for things. It’s a fact that if children don’t do their homework they won’t look after things and clearly if they don’t look after things when they go up to secondary school teachers will get annoyed that a child has either lost his homework or can’t find it.

Hundreds of people agree that when children grow up they can teach their little brothers or sisters or even their children! Loads of children don’t go to school and children who do go to school should be pleased that they go to school.

In summary hundreds of people don’t have good jobs. Do you really won’t your children to be one of them, surely everyone can see that we are trying to teach children not torture them so if you have read this please think about your children. Do you really want them them to be this way. Anyway it’s your choice not mine.

By Sophie Lorimer     

Persuasive Writing - Bradley Elliot

Monday 18th March

Can I write an argument

Many people believe that we should be given homework but more believe we shouldn’t. I’m also here to say we shouldn’t have homework. Read on to find out why………

Most teachers don’t take courses specifically on home work during teacher training. It is just horrendous that they give us home work but don’t know anything about it.

Ministers have scrapped guidelines setting out how much homework children should be set. There is a controversy about the value of homework with critics saying it is either ineffective or potentially harmful if the extra homework is so dull that children switch off. There is a comment in the new ofsted [inspection] frame work where they mention homework and a lot of teachers see that as if they must be setting homework all the time even if it is not necessary. A review of academic research has found the impact of homework on primary age children is inconclusive. This means there is no proof it is beneficial.

Children need time to relax not worry about homework.
Wednesday 18th March

Doing homework isn’t exercise-running and cycling is.

So in summery you can not argue with this it is proof and facts. Home work is just a piece of paper that distracts your child from exercise.


Animal Creations

Creative Writing - Ted Cross (Year 6)

Creative Writing - Maxwell Meers (Year 6)

Creative Writing - Joseph Bewes (Year 6)

Creative Writing - Gemma Greyson (Year 6)

Creative Writing - Esme Pitman (Year 6)

Creative Writing - Olivia Rigney (Year 5)

When so much of the land that your magnificent cities were built upon was covered in jungle and mountains... how did you become so fantastic?
I think the Maya cities were so important because they worked out the best time to grow their crop, use slash and burn to clear the forest and they worked out a calendar to make it easy to know when it was ok to plant their crop. They also discovered lots of food and lots of semi- precious stones (e.g. jade) and learnt how to swap them (trade) with each other. They also worked out (amazingly) that there was 365 days in a year. This was very useful for the Maya because they could work out the best time to plant and harvest. 

Creative Writing - Year 4 - The Manchester Ridgeback

Creative Writing - Tilly Butler (Year 3)

Macy was a detective, who had a lovely personality and was a kind friend to all. She loved having adventures, being sporty and making others happy. Her favourite things were, family, friends and her job as a detective. She has long straight hair and brilliant brown eyes. Wherever she went her friends smiled and waved. Her mum and dad had died when she was two years old so she lived alone in a cosy cottage up on the hill. She was watching TV with her friends Lilly, Rosa, Roxy, Harry and Merrida. Suddenly a flash advert came on and it said “all the detectives need to come the king court to be picked for a mission”. And Macy got picked to go.
Despite her protests they forced her on a boat and led her to the middle of nowhere. She stepped onto the boiling hot desert and saw some crusty, dry leaves coming from a mouldy tree trunk with blood on and a dolphin laying next to it clicking sadly. Macy gently lifted it up and lay it down in the sea. After a while she felt lonely and miserable. Meanwhile a bloodthirsty pirate was watching her and licking his lips…

Then there was a crash! Then a bang! So she went deeper inside the desert to investigate some more. When she got there looming above her was a ship called: Slippery Squid. Little did she know it belonged to the venomous pirate, the one who was watching her earlier on. As she slowly tiptoed onto the deck she saw two bloodshot eyes staring at her with pure hatred. She realised that they belonged to him, “ROAAAARRR!!!!!” He yelled as he jumped on her. He grabbed her and threw her into a dark, dark, dusty cellar locked the door and went out. Then the pirate, that had a stone cold heart inside him, teased from outside the cellar.

Days passed and she got more and more lonely. The only person she saw was the ugly old pirate who bought her dry bread and dirty water. She soon grew weak and cold. The stone cold cellar was held up by dirty messy wooden planks but it was locked by a special key that was kept  on the pirates lock on the side of the door. On the 32nd  day of being locked up she heard a knock and a whisper “Macy it’s Rosa and Roxy we've come too save you”. “ There's a lock that has a key dangling by it. Unlock it and I’ll be free” Macy replied. Click snap creek. Macy  saw open air for the first time in ages. They quickly ran away, an angry pirates racing behind them. Luckily he tripped and couldn't get them in time so Macy, Rosa and Roxy got back home.

When they got there they found an anxious crowd waiting for them. The king was shaking his head gravely and muttering to himself. At the sight of them everyone cheered and clapped their hands together. All of them had a whale of the time, But the pirates twin brother was not a person that was happy.